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South West PCA Educational Session: Dealing with Challenging Mental Health Presentations

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20th November 2024 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

The Primary Care Academy (South West) would like to invite you to attend “Dealing with Challenging Mental Health” educational session which will be held on:

Wednesday 20th November 2024


Patients who present with complex mental health issues can be emotionally draining for clinicians, but can also end up being long consultations, leaving clinicians running behind which is stressful for everyone (especially the next patient who then thinks up more problems for you while they are waiting!)

The objectives of this 3-hour interactive workshop are therefore to:

  1. Increase our confidence in managing consultations in patients with mental health problems.
  2. Gain some practice in managing highly charged consultations especially where there may be some conflict.
  3. Feel more confident in our risk management approach to patients who may be suicidal, and strategies to deal effectively with patients who are lower risk.

We would like to encourage participants to be in a quiet environment where they can engage, interact and talk to others with their camera on.

Please note the booking form will close when capacity has been reached.

Please be aware there will be a £35.00 charge for non-attendance without prior notification.

Questions about the event or the Primary Care Academy should be sent to:  England.PrimaryCareAcademy.sw@nhs.net



20th November 2024
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Dr Andy Eaton, GP Educator, South West Primary Care Academy


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